Privacy and Security

Privacy and Security

Protected health information (PHI) may be communicated in many forms. Traditionally, PHI was communicated verbally, in print and over the phone. Medical records are also held in the form of electronic data (ePHI) which may be transmitted via fax and digital networks. The privacy and security of all forms of your PHI are actively maintained in our office to ensure that we communicate only the information you choose to those individuals you have specifically selected. This is done to protect you from a breach of privacy or security that might expose you to threats from people that may cause you harm. It is important for you to understand how your information and electronic data is protected by every facility that serves you and how individuals you know may be trusted with your private matters.

Your Privacy

Keeping your PHI private involves a series of measures. Examples are as follows:

  • When we call, we may ask to speak to only you or an individual you permit us to speak with.
  • Your records are securely stored and cannot be shared with unauthorized parties without your expressed permission.
  • We will only communicate the least amount of information regarding your care, and only with agencies that have the right to know. This may include your insurers and other providers.

Your Security

Keeping your PHI secure involves a different set of measures, such as:

Protecting our computer systems from unauthorized access with physical barriers and high-level electronic data encryption.
Keeping patient data banks off of public networks.
Exclusive use of encrypted portals for data transmission.

Prioritizing Your Privacy with Safe and Efficient Care

In addition to these types of measures, our office does not ask for information such as credit card or social security numbers unless it is absolutely necessary in the delivery of your care, and we don’t save those numbers beyond immediate use.

Security measures often create inconveniences. We aim to minimize costly and unnecessary interference while providing you with the safest and most effective care. You may view our HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices by clicking here and fill out a HIPAA Authorization by clicking here. We urge you to keep your privacy preferences updated whenever you visit our office. If at any time you have a concern regarding how we manage your PHI, we welcome you to contact our HIPAA Compliance Officer Dr. Robert Garfield.